
Thursday, 14 April 2011

#1 is DONE!

I can tick out one out of my five un-bore my summer activities in my list, 'cos I just cleaned my bookshelf today! *Applause*

Gosh, you won't imagine how cluttered my shelf was! And my books! They were everywhere in my house!

On the keyboard...

 On my bed...

 On the couch...

 In my travel bag...

In between my school bags...


I started to empty my shelf around 7:30 am, and I ended cleaning the crap out of it by 12 nn. It was that MAD, but that's not a surprise to me. I own hundreds of books for crying out loud! They weigh over a ton, and when you line em up, they'll take almost a kilometre or more! They cost half a hundred thousand all in all, not counting the ones I bought abroad! GEEZ! OF COURSE IT'LL TAKE HOURS AND HOURS TO CLEAN MY SHELF! And till now, I still can't believe how in the world can I make hundreds of books fit into one tiny shelf!

My books as of January 2011 - at least 10 books have been added to date
So yeah, I turned this cluttered shelf...

Into this organised (at least it's better!) sanctuary of reading...


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