
Friday 16 December 2011

1st Paskuhan

So I've been told... THERE WERE A LOT OF PEOPLE! 

The annual Paskuhan in UST is a big Christmas feast opened by a mass (with the panuluyan), followed by the Agape (famous for its free food and long lines). Famous local bands also perform as the feast is being held. 

Though I've heard that the Paskuhan is something I wouldn't want to miss, I missed a part of it - the feast itself, to be exact - so I couldn't write much about it in here. I got to attend the mass though - that's a plus, right?

We, 1JRN1, also celebrated our first Christmas party as a class, as well as a family. It was fun! Lots of laughs, games, and food too, which makes me less frustrated that I missed the Paskuhan banquet. We also revealed who we are for the exchange gift/Secret Santa thingie, and I am so happy that Milky (not her real name, and if I spell it in here, I'm not sure if I'll get it right anyway) liked the stuff I got her from Forever 21 and The Face Shop. I also got what I've been wishing for from my Secret Santa, Kuya Nico - "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. Thank you!


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