
Thursday 27 December 2012

Post-Christmas Treat: Fried Oreos

My cousin and I were having an idle time again this morning, so we decided to make some country fair favourite fried Oreos. It was my first time to do it, and I found it kinda fun and extremely easy! This recipe is perfect for kids who love hanging 'round the kitchen :)



-Pancake Mix
-Cooking Oil (about 1/2-1 cup)

What to do:

1. Since every brand differs, follow the instructions written on the box of the pancake mix you have to make the pancake batter. It is also OK to use your own pancake recipe if you have one.

2. Once the batter is ready, preheat your deep fryer.

3. Dip the Oreos into the pancake batter, and coat them entirely.

4. With the use of chopsticks or tongs, place the dipped Oreos into the deep fryer.

5. You will see the batter rise and turn into a nice golden brown colour in just a few seconds, which is a go signal to flip the cookie.

6. When both sides have turned brown, remove cookie from the pan, and drain the excess oil in paper kitchen towel.

7. Enjoy while warm.

-The cookies brown easily, so never ever leave the cookies in the deep fryer.
-You can dust the fried Oreos with powdered sugar if desired.



  1. They look so delightful and decadent! Thanks for the idea.
