
Sunday 31 March 2013

Out and About - Day 9

March 30, 2013 - Black Saturday

I had quite a night with Selene yesterday. I couldn't believe how a very ordinary evening could become an awesome one! We felt like Sherlock Holmes solving a mystery - in our case, an online mystery.

We're from two very different countries (she's from Argentina and I'm currently in the Czech Republic), and the person we're trying to trace is from a different one as well, so it was really, really insane! In the end, we felt as though we we solved a super crime! In fact, after last night, I feel like we could pass as interns at an intelligence firm. Haha!

So... today... 

Today's a pretty lazy one for all of us. The weather has improved, but we were just glued to our beds the whole day! The past week has just been so tiring for all of us that all we wanted to do today was to lie down and sleep. 

I finally got the nerve to hop off my bed half past three in the afternoon to wash some clothes. 

As it's a holiday and also a weekend, there's no bloody chance that we could get our clothes dry-cleaned at the laundry shop, so, we washed our clothes by hand. BY HAND! I know it's typical for Filipinos to wash clothes by hand, but it's quite a task if you don't have the "palanggana" or "batsa" (basins) to place and soak your clothes in.

Being resourceful, we just cleaned the sink in our bathroom (we have two sinks anyway), fixed the stopper into the drain, and ta-da! Makeshift laundromat :))

We got to wash some pieces of clothing, but we decided to leave the "difficult ones" (such as pants and thick sweaters) out. We can have them cleaned at the shop on Tuesday morning anyway, so yeah, they can wait.

We also had to do some shopping runs at Billa, the nearest supermarket to our dorm, as we're pretty sure that shops will be closed over the Easter holidays.


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