
Friday 14 October 2011

The Love List...

Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

Sarah Addison Allen first enchanted me with The Girl Who Chased The Moon, and for the second time, with Garden Spells, I'm simply charmed!
In the small town of Bascom, North Carolina, Claire is well-known for the delicacies she makes for their curious and magical effects. Her finest ingredients are only found in her garden, which she keeps well-tended. But when she found out that somebody has moved in next door, and an ivy has crept to her walled garden, her life is about to change forever.
This book is definitely a delectable treat for foodies and bookworms who want a touch of magic in their lives.

Art By Shira Sela

With much simplicity and meaning, Shira Sela's fine prints are just the perfect images to admire whenever you see them. Some of Sela's works have been featured in TV shows, magazines and calendars.

Check out her shop right here: Shirae

Gelatissimo: The Real Taste of Italia

After our last History Saturday class on October 1, Papa took me to Greenbelt to chillax a bit. We had our usual bookshop runs and sweet shopping, then 'round noon, he treated me to Gelatissimo with two scoops of yummy, yummy gelato! I picked my fave ice cream flavours - strawberry and choco-mint... The following weekend, we had another dose of the sweet cold thing!

Other Gelatissimo stores in the country are located at: SM City Cebu, SM Northwing Cebu, Ayala Center Cebu, Trinoma, and Serendra.

Harry Potter Fan Fiction: "Delicate" by padfoot4ever

I've always been looking for the perfect Harry Potter fan fiction that will satisfy my taste for drama, romance, comedy, and family ties. I have read a few good ones, but they're not as good as "Delicate" by padfoot4ever from

Delicate is set in the next generation, and is narrated by Rose "Red" Weasley who found out that she's carrying the child of Scorpius Malfoy. With complicated love connections and family rivalries, Rose just wants what's best for her and her baby.

Beautifully-written, Delicate will make you laugh, cry, and will definitely get you applauding. 

Read it right here: Delicate

Delicate is also a winner of the HPFF Dobby Awards for the Most Addicting Story in 2008.

Taking Pictures of my Weekly Visitors

It takes a lot of patience and tiny footsteps to take the perfect picture, but trust me when I say this: it's all worth the wait!

This Particular Fake Tattoo I Wore

I'm a big fan of fake tattoos since I was little - they're painless, easy to apply, and you can rub em off when you're sick of them (no scars!). Then last week, I bought a new booklet of fake tattoos, and randomly picked a design. I slapped it on, wet it, and when I revealed it, it was perfect! I loved it! It worked so well with my nail polish and my skin! 

Butterfly and Roses Print Bag from Accessorize

You all know by now that I'm obsessed with butterflies, and this bag is simply L-O-V-E! The embellished butterfly detail and tassel charm are a bonus too!

Bonnie Wright

Here's another photo for you to admire!

Sem Break!!!

Filipino college students know what this means ;)

Super Bug Twig Coloured Pencils Made of Natural Distressed Wood

Whether you'll use them for your artistic skills or you just want to add some interesting details on your work table, these coloured pencils are simply perfect!

Unique colored pencils made of natural distressed wood with markings and holes at random. Excellent for coloring, taking notes, as a gift, or just to have them in your office as decoration.

Every pencil is unique and comes in different shapes and sizes, but the average size is 9" long x 1"width. 

Available colors: black, yellow, red, blue, green, orange, pink.



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