
Tuesday 31 December 2013

♥ 2013: The Year That Was

Towards the end of 2012, I was freaking out.

I’ve always had this irrational issue with the number “13” (read: triskaidekaphobia), and the idea of enduring every single day of the following year, which will all be tainted with 13 (and Friday the thirteenths were like bad bonuses) was simply terrifying.

2013 would be the official year of doom for me. I knew it. I just knew it.

But of course, I could not be right all the time, and 2013 turned out to be so much more than I expected. And as much as I hate to admit it, 2013 is my best year yet.

It’s really crazy how fast time flies by. Wasn’t it just yesterday when mama, papa, and I were on our way to Pangasinan to greet the new year, when we got a call from our home in Laguna that we forgot all the clothes we packed for our overnight stay? (That made mama throw a fit, and it was also one of the premonitions I took that 2013 would be unlucky. Haha!)

I wouldn’t go too sentimental now, because I’ve got more reason to celebrate than to let the sadness of one great year coming to an end take me over, and here’s why…

The fears and challenges I faced
2013 wouldn’t be a great year without facing challenges to reach my goals. No matter how big or small it was, a challenge is a challenge. From facing some of my greatest my fears (eating street food, making new friends, and … well … DOGS) to living alone in a country not a lot of people have heard of a thousand miles away from my family, this year definitely pushed my limits, made me stronger, and made me believe that I can.

The goals I hit
Grades that exceeded my expectations, a writing stint at the country’s #1 teen magazine, earning an editorial position in my faculty’s official paper, and completing an exchange program abroad – whew – among others (not to mention, gaining a bit of weight! Yes!), 2013 was like a movie for me where the protagonist (that would be me, in this case) chases her dreams and reaches them.

The places I saw
All I ever wanted was the chance to travel alone in my teens. Not that I don’t enjoy trips with my family, because I do. I really do. But, somehow, I knew that travelling alone at such a young age would be a great learning experience that I will forever treasure, and, indeed, it is.

The people I met
Perhaps, the best part about my trips, my new job, and being a member of some school organisations are the connections and friendships I’ve made. Nothing’s more heart-warming than knowing that there’s a family on the other side of the world, who left their door open for you, or knowing that people from all walks of life, who come from entirely different cultures from yours, embraced you for who you are.

Growing closer with the people around me and staying in-touch with old friends
Sometimes, it’s not about how many friends you have, but how much they love you and how much you care for them. The shift from high school to college came really difficult to me just like how it did to most students’. Keeping in touch with your high school BFFs and making new friends in a more diverse environment is hard, which is why I’m thankful that 2013 was nice to me in that aspect as well. Despite our differences, I grew closer with my college pals, and I also managed to give time for my high school buddies. Reunion isn’t out of the picture either. Who would’ve thought that I will get to meet a good family friend after nine long years ... in Bratislava?!

Being a part of a great family
Of course, at the end of the day, nothing would matter most but your family. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my super-awesome family, and they are the ones to thank for all the things I achieved throughout the year. Sure, they’re not perfect but I love them to bits!

Looking back, 2013 has been very, very, VERY kind to me, and I have no other words but to say that I’m so beyond blessed. There are so many people to thank, and honestly, I tried including them in this post (every single name!), but then I might forget someone and hurt their feelings, so I’d rather not go on to the personal level. But here’s a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who rocked my 2013.

Indeed, 2013 will be a tough act to follow, but greater things are waiting.



1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Andy! More power for 2014! ♥ Hope to see you soon!

