
Monday 28 October 2013


And so, I turn 19 today.

Last leg of my teenage life - in the numeral sense, at least.

I've got a handful of greetings from family, friends, and people I never expected to greet me altogether. And, I've pretty much spent the whole day getting back to each and every one of them, thanking them in English, Filipino, Spanish, Czech, Slovak, and whatnot, depending on where they came from or how they greeted me, so I'm getting the hang of it :D

If you're wondering how I celebrated my day, well, I could tell you right now that it would appear to be boring to most of you. I'm not really the kind of girl who likes celebrations and parties, so as much as possible, I try to make my birthdays seem like a typical day. I don't even expect nor ask for gifts for God's sake! 

Aside from thanking people for their greetings, I slept. Yes. Best birthday treat ever. Sleeping.


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