
Friday 3 May 2013

Out and About - Day 42

May 2, 2013 - Thursday

I cried tonight. 

While the other interns and students carried on with a farewell party number 2, I decided to meet my evening Thursday bunch like we normally do. I didn't want the other night to happen again, so for our final meeting, we went to Pegas - the restaurant where we held our classes two weeks ago. It was just me, Barbora, and Pavel and Alenka (Pavel's girlfriend), so it was a pretty quiet farewell, and I loved it!

We had mixed talk again, from the other night's party and strange addictions to insects and food, while having Pegas' famous ribs. We stayed until around 11, so we could catch the tram and not be around travelling drunks on the midnight bus.

With a few minutes to spare at the stop, we said our goodbyes, and that was when I felt my emotions raging. Pavel and Alenka had to go ahead, and I just had to hug them - the giant in Pavel lifted me off my feet. Haha! People keep lifting me here, like I'm some gym equipment! haha!

When I was alone with Barbora, I started to cry. I rarely cry, and when I do, it's only for people who are very special, and they all are special to me!

I kept crying all the way to the dorm - from the tram to the shower, I couldn't stop! It finally hit me that I'm leaving.

Whew. I better fix my emotions.


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